Blue Exorcist

Blue Exorcist - Volume 5

Blue Exorcist - Volume 5

Blue Exorcist in reviews

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The trio’s personalities… they’re just so different. We have Rin, the main character, full of energy and wants to prove himself. The younger brother who is mostly annoyed...

Blue Exorcist - Volume 4

Blue Exorcist - Volume 4

Blue Exorcist in reviews

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Rin could get away with the blue flames. For now. Mephisto and his brother demon… We still don’t know what’s his end game. Is he for or against humanity? Shima is my...

Blue Exorcist - Volume 3

Blue Exorcist - Volume 3

Blue Exorcist in reviews

Chapter 8 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Rin can be a bit of an ass to his brother. Maybe Yukio can have more tact while delivering his messages but Rin acts like a little kid. Breaking his glasses there at the end? Not...

Blue Exorcist - Chapter 7

Blue Exorcist - Chapter 7

Blue Exorcist in reviews

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Done with volume 2! ✅ Of course, the shady principal jumps at the moment Rin is about to uncover the professor. I’m not sure I buy the whole surprise test, to be honest. Surely you get...

Blue Exorcist - Chapter 6

Blue Exorcist - Chapter 6

Blue Exorcist in reviews

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The stupid leader who could do nothing against a real threat now loses a friend. I couldn’t care less. The reading of the sacred texts is a little boring, I hope they don’t do it...

Blue Exorcist - Chapter 5

Blue Exorcist - Chapter 5

Blue Exorcist in reviews

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ We get to know more about this career. Such a difference with exorcists using machine guns or swords. I’ll take swords any day! Unsure if it’s super related but the Inari temple...

Blue Exorcist - Chapter 4

Blue Exorcist - Chapter 4

Blue Exorcist in reviews

⭐️⭐️⭐️ Starting volume 2! Such a cliché our main character is bad at studying but excels at combat and action. Shonen, I like it. Of course, Suguro hates Rin’s attitude, but he has to grow and...

Blue Exorcist - Chapter 3

Blue Exorcist - Chapter 3

Blue Exorcist in reviews

⭐️⭐️⭐️ End of volume 1! ✅ I liked the slice-of-life scenes at the dorm, with Rin crying his eyes out while reading manga. He trying to convince his brother while wiggling his tail at the same time,...

Blue Exorcist - Chapter 2

Blue Exorcist - Chapter 2

Blue Exorcist in reviews

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Great chapter for world-building, the pages with the institute in sight from the car, mesmerizing. Call this number son. Then a kill squad appears in front of him. Thank you, Father? 😂 The...

Blue Exorcist - Chapter 1

Blue Exorcist - Chapter 1

Blue Exorcist in reviews

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Such a beginning of a series. I’m very impressed and have 0 doubt how this got the green light to be serialized. We get first a presentation of a classic misfit, jumping straight into...