Wind Breaker - Volume 4

Wind Breaker - Volume 4

Ricard Torres on Wind Breaker in reviews


The panel with Umemiya telling him “Your punches are weak”. Hilarious. The power of friendship and being a good boy prevail? That hug was creepy.

Of course, Umemiya did not want another gang to join theirs. Especially when the interests are completely opposite. How would he even convert them to their culture of helping the neighborhood?

All the murderous hunger and then they end up having a picnic together. Lovely… What’s going to happen to the rival gang? Will they show up again? Maybe as allies?

2 new characters unlocked, Mr. Pull-ups & Mr. Fancy. It seems in general even if they can look menacing at the get-go they’re all good overall and want to protect people.

Looking forward to that street fight, although it feels like it will end quickly.

Wind Breaker - Volume 4

Ricard Torres
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