Wind Breaker - Chapter 5

Wind Breaker - Chapter 5

Ricard Torres on Wind Breaker in reviews


😂 Cracked me up the third year running at full speed to stop Sakura from talking about that girl from the store. Is she the general’s sister? Girlfriend?

We learn a bit about the commanding structure and the names are super strange, I would have chosen something more easy to remember for those not familiar with Buddhism or whatnot. The “Vaisravana” unit I’ll never remember. Unsure if this bit of information will be important moving forward though.

The heroes are patrolling the neighborhood. It is strange to have to paint a wall, Sakura is right. One thing is protecting, and the other…

Alright, so we finish with a cliffhanger, fight with a rival gang. Let’s go

Volume 1


I have mixed feelings. I like the drawing style, and the pace, so far the main character is very shonen, it has most of the ingredients to make it interesting.

There are pieces here and there that weren’t great. At the end of the day I’m here for the fights, so I hope they don’t dwell too much on being the neighborhood pacifists and start fist-fighting.

I will buy the next volume.

Wind Breaker - Chapter 5

Ricard Torres
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