Tokyo Revengers - Chapter 85

Tokyo Revengers - Chapter 85

Ricard Torres on Tokyo Revengers in reviews


Duh, he can’t simply go back now if he’s in jail. There’s also the possibility he is not in jail. Chifuyu knowing of his own death maybe changed them going into that meeting, being killed by Kisaki, thus not saved by Kazutora and not arrested by Naoto.

It’s hard to tell but it’s such a gamble, not worth it to go back just now.

(As a side note, why would he want to ever go back though? I would stay in the past and re-live my life again, although it would not be again but different.)

The big brother is just clinically ill, beating up his brother to drop him an “I love you”. He doesn’t know what love means, he scared his siblings to an unimaginable extent. Hakkai wanting to kill this piece of work is one of the most justifiable deaths this series has seen so far. I hope he succeeds.

Tokyo Revengers - Chapter 85

Ricard Torres
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