Servamp - Volume 3

Servamp - Volume 3

Ricard Torres on Servamp in reviews

Chapter 11


Kuro is living a good life! Eating good food, doing mostly nothing. Mahiru is such a good person, not only helps out when asked but goes out and beyond to help strangers. The dude with the eye patch… it was too obvious he was a bad person! The patch had a sort of vampiric shape, and also gave him a preferred time to deliver the suitcase. My man… At least Kuro came back so fast and wasn’t too annoying while drinking the blood. New character! Both Servamp and Vampire, although the vampire we haven’t seen in human form just yet. The coffin looks cool and very vampire-themed. Although it must be a drag to carry.

Chapter 12


“tremble and shiver” says the kid-looking vampire 😂 This vampire has grown accustomed to human life very fast. Good food and TV. The cowboy servamp is very annoying. All the time with the doll, thinking others are funnily looking at her. Give it a rest dude… That lead, the broom, is not very useful just yet. If only he could fly it easily… but not even that. The power of friendship, though. Mahiru being pure and honest with Kuro, was not ready for that.

Chapter 13

I was not expecting Lily to lose so fast against the vampire of Envy. Looks strong, not only with the weapons (short and long-range) but also fast. Misono is my spirit animal, he’s dead at 9 o’clock. For me it’s around 11 PM, my body just shuts off 😂 What a cliffhanger, an abduction. Kuro looks too calm, though. It might not be that dangerous.

Chapter 14


Damn you, Kuro. Mahiru is trying to escape and you’re there eating instant noodles. He does ask for him but he could be more menacing, no? Mahiru finally realizes he’s way stronger with the lead, unleashes it, and destroys the ceiling several floors above. Heck yeah. Kuro always has mixed feelings for Mahiru, and worries about him but the moment they meet he’s already annoyed by Mahiru’s energy 😂 Get used to it, pal.

Chapter 15


Kuro, bad boy. Hiding things from Mahiru, or better said withholding information. Why? He says he doesn’t want him to be more nosy but dude… he’s a servamp and that’s not going to change. Why not accept his help? What’s that ghost/thing that appears behind Kuro and tells him stuff? Is that a sentient being? Or just his mind playing tricks on him? These characters change minds so easily. I get that Mahiru has this power, but what looked to us first like the bad mad scientist has now accepted the situation. Too easy, too fast.

Chapter 16


Feels like they could have closed the volume in the previous chapter, strange that we’ve switched topics completely now. The annoying murderous clown appears again. This asshat needs to be put down for good. Strange chapter, we’ve been introduced to the concept of “jin” but I’m unsure if this is really Tsubaki’s master plan.

Volume 3


I’m continuing to like these long chapters. We haven’t had amazing panels in this volume with Kuro or Mahiru fighting. We’ve got two new characters, so the story moved forward. Not sure what the next volume will bring, as usual, I want more fights.

Servamp - Volume 3

Ricard Torres
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