Servamp - Chapter 6

Servamp - Chapter 6

Ricard Torres on Servamp in reviews


Starting volume 2!

I guess this is the arc of the powerup? Where Mahiru is learning about his new and shiny toy, the lead.

So interesting he can’t fully remember his memory of Sakuya. Then, the betrayal. Kuro is just so relaxed even after they catch them. Only to redeem himself by saving Mahiru last moment before being slashed by Sakuya.

Sakuya is just not in a very good place, Mahiru could have been a better friend? Maybe it’s hard to say how should have he acted with the whole vampire thing. I would’ve also not told anyone. But that wasn’t a lie, he didn’t lie to his face.

Misono makes an appearance! Good friend!

Servamp - Chapter 6

Ricard Torres
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