Sasaki to Miyano - Volume 2

Sasaki to Miyano - Volume 2

Ricard Torres on Sasaki to Miyano in reviews


The feelings are awakening for Miyano?

The two supporting characters Kuresawa and Ogasawara are funny when they complain about their girlfriends like BL. Kuresawa seems to even embrace it and owns it. Not Ogasawara, I hope he’ll be allright 😂

Sasaki is reaching a point which where he needs to be direct with Miyano. Enough of confusing our poor boy with jokes (which aren’t) or too much unrequested physical contact. I think it’s not fair for Miyano to be somewhat in the dark about Sasaki’s true feelings.

I liked this second volume, the relationship is advancing and I find very refreshing the side characters like Hirano (for which there seems to be a side story, I might look into that one once I finish this main story)

I’ve got the same mild complain about volume 2, it is a little bit thin compared to 3rd and 4th while it had the same price.

Sasaki to Miyano - Volume 2

Ricard Torres
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