My Hero Academia - Volume 4

My Hero Academia - Volume 4

Ricard Torres on My Hero Academia in reviews

Chapter 27


Funny that Deku even when he got the most points was quickly left alone. I was not expecting this. Iida taking the challenger role, very brave or very stupid. We will see.

Chapter 28


Of course, they get attacked first, they all want to steal the points. The jet pack is not very fun but Dark Shadow is awesome. The Class B leader taking the headband from Bakugo, I like it. Bakugo is just so blinded when it comes to Deku.

Chapter 29


Copycat quirk from Class B is also cool. Not unique but useful! I was expecting Todoroki to do something cooler. We just saw the cliffhanger there using his left arm, which he bowed to never use in combat.

Chapter 30


Even if I dislike Bakugo very much you have to give it to him. He’s good and powerful. I was expecting so much more from Todoroki. Good thing Dark Shadow was there to save the day! Most importantly though, the cliffhanger with Endeavor and All Might 😱

Chapter 31


Endeavor and All Might are like day and night, the personalities are so different. You can’t help but side with All Might always happy and funny. The 2nd hero looks super menacing with the flames engulfing him. We get a little glimpse into Todoroki’s back story. Not much but it’s something. It’s interesting how Todoroki also sees Deku as a threat and wants to beat him. The only person who doesn’t see Deku as a thread is Deku himself.

Chapter 32


The match Deku vs Shinsou is such bullcrap. How could anybody possibly fall for this? A friend just told you if you answer you get under his spell and the first thing you do is reply to him!? Are you dumb or just pretending? It was cheap for the author to come up with this, it’s not believable.

Chapter 33


The panel with Deku about to jump off, getting all the power at his fingertips. Very nice drawing! At the cost of breaking two fingers, he snapped out of the brainwash. Please, don’t fall for it again. Winning with a judo technique rather than a big fat punch to the face was… ok I guess?

My Hero Academia - Volume 4

Chapter 34


Todoroki meeting his dad, sparks flew! Todoroki’s face grew even darker after the word exchange. He was so pissed, went overboard on the match. At least his classmate wasn’t injured and was able to unfreeze him quickly. I want to know more about what happened to Todoroki to be like this.

Chapter 35


Glad to see they speed up some of the matches, too bad for Kaminari though. The one I want to see, and I hope they don’t seep up is Bakugo vs Uraraka. But we shall see in the next volume!

Volume 4


I’m looking forward to moving past this school event and going back to heroes fighting villains. We’ve got a glimpse in volume 2 of how cool the fights can be when they invaded the school. I want more of that.

I don’t know if Volume 5 will conclude all the fights or if they’ll spend several chapters on the key matchups.

I will certainly keep collecting the manga.

What was your take on this volume?

My Hero Academia - Volume 4

Ricard Torres
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