Bakuman - Chapter 16

Bakuman - Chapter 16

Ricard Torres on Bakuman in reviews


Done with volume 2 ✅ eighteen more to go 😁

Nizuma’s drawing, just the glimpse we’ve seen was rather cool. Well done there making us want to know more 🤩

I think Saiko is such a downer 😩 Rather than being happy that they have published their work in a magazine (and getting paid for it) he’s already dwelling on the whole getting a serialization 🙄

It was very good they got 3rd place in the end, again, Nizuma as the editor says “has 10 years of experience” on them. I also like Nizuma couldn’t care less about surveys or whatnot 👏 He’s just super passionate at drawing, that’s how it should be. Unlike Saiko’s uncle who also was stuck in “getting the first place”. I don’t know, it’s good to want to be better but it’s not good if you can’t see how well are you doing, how are you improving, and just… not being happy that you’re succeeding to some degree 🤷‍♂️

Bakuman - Chapter 16

Bakuman - Chapter 16

Ricard Torres
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